Estimado Patrocinante
The True Channel nació para ayudar a Estados Unidos, a su familia y a su negocio.
Defendemos la libertad, la Constitución y la libertad de expresión.
The True Channel proporciona una plataforma digital para que millones de hispanos puedan alzar su voz. Puedes ayudar a tu empresa patrocinando uno de nuestros programas de TV, pautando tu comercial o banner
para que lo vean miles, si no millones de personas en las áreas que tu elija.
Por un plan especial mensual, puedes promocionar tu empresa, aumentar tus ventas y ayudar a
“¡Mantener a Estados Unidos como el faro que inspira al mundo!”
Haga “click” en uno de los enlaces de abajo, y ayude a hacer la diferencia. Gracias.
Dear Sponsor
We are so grateful to be Americans. We are willing as always, to die for our Country. In no other time in our history, our Country needs us to do more. That’s why The True Channel was born, to help America, your family, and your business. We stand for freedom, for the Constitution, and for free speech. The True Channel is providing a digital platform for millions Hispanics to have their voice heard. You can help your business by sponsoring one of our TV shows, booking your commercial or banner to be seen by thousands, if not millions of people in the areas of your choice. For a special monthly price you can promote your company, boost your sales, and help “Keep America Great!”
Click on any of the links below and help make a difference. Thank you.
- 15 Seconds TV Spot to be provide by client, minimum reach of 19,444 people a month
- Your Link in the Business Directory
- Geo localized Targeting
- Tracked by Google Analytics
- Exposure: 1,000,000 people a month
COST: To Be Determined (6 month minimum commitment)
- 30 Seconds TV Spot to be provide by client, Minimum reach of 35,000 people a month
- Your Link in the Business Directory
- Geo localized Targeting
- Tracked by Google Analytics
- Exposure: 1,000,000 people a month
COST: To Be Determined (6 month minimum commitment)
- Integration (Interview) 1 per week, 5 minutes
- 60 Seconds TV Spot (Bonus) minimum people reach 56,000 a month
- Sponsor of a Show
- Your Link in the Business Directory
- Geo localized Targeting
- Tracked by Google Analytics
- Exposure: 1,000,000 people a month
COST: To Be Determined (6 month minimum commitment)
Showing all 5 results